Have you ever wondered why we have been so much afflicted, persecuted, marginalised, trampled upon, disgraced, humiliated, embarrassed, harassed, rejected, lied against, frustrated, denied justice, denied basic things of life, denied employment, impoverished, confined to hunger, diseases, pestilences, sicknesses, plagues, etc.  It’s because of our rebellion against our FATHER, YAHWEH.  He says: If thou shalt hearken diligently unto the VOICE OF YAHWEH thy FATHER, to observe and to do all His Commandments…YAHWEH thy FATHER will set thee on high above all nations of the earth.  And all these blessings shall come on thee and overtake thee, if thou shalt hearken unto the VOICE OF YAHWEH…But if thou wilt not hearken unto the VOICE OF YAHWEH thy FATHER, to observe to do all His Commandments and His Statutes…all these curses shall come upon thee, and overtake thee (Deut. 28:1,15; Jer. 11:3; Deut. 27:26).  Instead of obeying the Voice of YAHWEH, we choose to disobey Him and the curses came upon us, ISRAEL (Covenant keeper and believer of YAHSHUA is Israelite).  This is the reason we’re undergoing painful experiences today. We have suffered Whiteman’s invasion (slave trade), colonialism, suppression, oppression, brutality, torture, impoverishment, apartheid, segregation, black code and Jim Crow Laws, lynching, mass incarceration, killings, hatred and persecution, inciting to fight ourselves, diseases, locust invasion, swords in-and-out, captivity, Trans-Atlantic Slave Trade to America and Europe.  Worst still, to make our ‘slave masters happy’, we joined them to worship their BAAL sun-god called “the Lord” or “Jesus”.   These are idols of stone and wood prophesied (Deut. 28:64, see also, vv. 15-68; Deut. 32:16-17; Jer. 2:5,8,11-13; Jer. 23:16-17; Hosea 2:16-17; Mal. 2:2).  We forsake YAHWEH for “Baal”.

We suffer sicknesses and diseases and die daily because of our disobedience. Do you know that these ‘troubles’ ought not to be our portion?  Do you know that as YAHWEH’S people, we’re supposed to be above our enemies?  Do you know that Israel was chosen by YAHWEH to rule the world?  Do you know that our failure to keep the Commandments of YAHWEH (Exodus 19:5-6; 20:3-17) is the real reason we are suffering and dying?  Yes, we’re paying the price of disobedience?   WAKE-UP AND RETURN TO YAHWEH because we are the Chosen People, the Royal Priesthood, the Peculiar People ordained in the Scriptures.  We are the Biblical ISRAELITES.  Bible is Our History Book that reveals who we are.  The Scriptures forewarn us that if we depart from YAHWEH and worship Gods of nations e.g. Stone and Wood, i.e. “Baal”, “the Lord”, “Jesus”, “God”, “Jehovah”, silver and gold, etc. that He will disperse us into Gentile Nations, there we’ll suffer disgrace, discrimination, torture, enslavement, captivity and death.  These have happened and are still happening because of our disobedience.  BUT if we REPENT and return to YAHWEH through YAHSHUA (not “Jesus”) His Son, He will abundantly pardon and deliver us from our “slave-masters” (Acts 2:37-38; Deuteronomy 4:26-31; Deuteronomy 28:68).  The Prophets, Torah, Psalms, and Gospel Books, testify that YAHWEH will deliver us, if we REPENT (2 Chron. 7:14; Deut. 30:1-10).  We the Israelites are the cause of what’s happening to us today.  Have you seen how our enemies are taking over our lands, and killing us without anybody saying anything?  We reject YAHWEH as a result He sold us to our enemies. This is fulfilment of Bible prophecy (Lev. 26; Deut. 28)!  IT’S TIME TO REPENT AND BE BAPTISED IN THE NAME OF YAHSHUA MESSIAH FOR FORGIVENESS (Acts 2:38).

We the scattered Israelites have tried everything, yet no results.  No freedom!  No salvation!  Why?  It’s because we forsake Sabbath day and keep Sunday worship; it’s because we reject YAHWEH and YAHSHUA and follow “Jesus” or “God” of the Gentile Christianity.  These RELIGIOUS idols provoke YAHWEH’s anger against us.  YAHSHUA is the WAY, the TRUTH, AND the LIFE.  Return to Him today; follow His COVENANT Way and saved.


Mail: tlcg.livingchurch@gmail.com            Website: www.livingyahweh.com


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