My Beloved Brethren in YAHSHUA

Greetings in the precious NAME OF YAHWEH AND YAHSHUA our Messiah.  My very beloved ISRAELITES scattered all over nations of the world, Our FATHER in Heaven says to us, fear not!  We must not fear though the trying times are fast approaching as our Master YAHSHUA predicted.  Indeed, His return is very close. Therefore, do not be weary, do not despair, do not faint, do not be discouraged, and do not look back.  Rather hold unto the WORD, YAHSHUA MESSIAH Himself, because our VICTORY is near to us.  In the mighty name of YAHSHUA, we shall surely overcome.  Even in the face of famine, drought, war, diseases and pestilences [Flus, Coronavirus, Ebola, HIV etc.] look unto YAHWEH our FATHER Who gives grace to overcome.  You who obey YAHWEH’S WORD will never be ashamed; though trouble may abound, YAHWEH will not permit His obedient children to contact plagues or suffer shame because evil is not reserved for the obedient.  However, watch-out and pray!  Our Father in Heaven will surely fight those people and nation(s) that destroy His Earth.Hh  This time is a wake-up call to all Israelites.  Israel awake and let’s serve our FATHER for there is no longer time to waste.  The WORD of our FATHER says to us, fear not, your salvation draws near.

I know you do not fear what the unrighteous people are planning and doing in this latter days against us called by the name of YAHWEH.  Do you know dispersed Israelites are being prepared by YAHWEH to take them back to their LAND, ISRAEL?  Oh! The Bible is filled with the announcement of Second Exodus of Israel.  I can see in advance, second Egypt [this world of Babylon] and her Pharaohs getting ready to kiss the SEVEN PLAGUES and WRATH of YAHWEH [read Psalm 2; Revelation chapters 9 and 16].  Some of them that remain will sink and drown in the RED SEA.  Soon, all Pharaohs of this age will drown again! Brethren, we are both physical and spiritual ISRAEL. We are COVENANT-KEEPERS.  The Scriptures are revealing who we are. We do not look at the face of unrighteous and unholy people who constantly oppose and rebel the WORD of our FATHER YAHWEH.  So, hold unto YAHWEH because as far as I know, YAHWEH our FATHER called us into ASSEMBLY OF THE LIVING YAHWEH [ALY] so that we all can join hands together to bring other brethren [Israelites] unto Him because the time is short.  Our Master Saviour, YAHSHUA, is about to return to possess the LAND of ISRAEL and to restore us to Himself in the LAND.  This is the reason you see the enemies raising their ugly heads against the Children of Israel [you and me]; this is the reason crisis is beginning to escalate; this is the reason chaos and troubles are becoming frequent.  Our Master Yahshua warned us about troubles of this time.  This is the reason you see the wicked people increasing by day because ‘Satan their father’ and liar is not happy.  Notice below the ‘Thanksgiving Prayer‘ of the 24 Elders in Heaven concerning the predicted return of our Master Yahshua on Earth to commence His Government.  In the Thanksgiving prayer, the disobedient enemies [wicked] of our SAVIOUR are angry against Him and His people, because YAHSHUA is about to return to cut them off from the Earth.  He’ll reward His servant elects [saints] gloriously and give the LAND: 

"We give You thanks, O Yahweh Elohim Almighty,
The ONE Who is and Who was and Who is to come,
Because You have taken Your great power and reigned.
The nations were angry, and Your wrath has come,
And the time of the dead, that they should be judged,
And that You should reward Your servants the prophets and the saints,
And those who fear Your NAME, small and great,
And should destroy those who destroy the earth."  Revelation 11:17-18.

Yes, our Saviour is about to return, so our enemies are not happy; our enemies are those who destroy the earth [i.e. the disobedient]; they try to oppose us; they try to lie against us; they try to accuse the brethren that we preach the LAW which they consider has been nailed to the ‘cross‘: BUT THE LAW IS NOT NAILED TO THE STAKE! [Matt. 5:17-19; James 2:8-12]. They mock us because we OBEY OUR FATHER’S WORD [COMMANDMENTS]; did the WORD not say to us, “If you really fulfil the royal law according to the Scripture, “You shall love your neighbour as yourself,” you do well;”  yes, you do well.  They don’t want to hear that you do well when you keep the LAW; rather they try to frustrate us because they hate OBEDIENCE to YAHWEH’S COMMANDMENTS, as a result, their time is up. Why do they live in frustration?  The Bible says they live in frustration because they live in DISOBEDIENCE; they do not worship the TRUE AND ONLY CREATOR OF HEAVEN AND EARTH, YAHWEH [Revelation 14:7-11; Mark 2:27-28; Exodus 20:8-11; Exodus 31:13-17; Genesis 2:2-3]. The Scripture says anyone that DENY His Name and His Word will live in curse, frustration, anguish, sicknesses, diseases, pestilences, sword and eventually death. But YAHWEH’S people shall live in sound health, abundance, good life, prolonged life and eternal life [Leviticus 26:3-13, 14-39; Deuteronomy 28:1-14, 15-68; Deuteronomy 27:26; Deuteronomy 4:40; Deuteronomy 6:1-9; Deuteronomy  8:1-7; Proverbs 4:4; Revelation 3:8,10; Revelation 11:18; Revelation 22:14; Luke 12:32]. The enemies do these because they have noticed that they are rebellious and are about to lose all their worldly possessions; they are about to die, as a result, they are frustrated and will want to STOP us.  But they will not be able because YAHWEH is with us. YAHWEH FIGHTS OUR BATTLE AND GIVES US VICTORY!  HALLELLU-YAH!!  

“Do not fear, little flock, for it is your FATHER’S good pleasure
to give you the Kingdom” [Luke 12:32, also see Rev. 3:8-10].

However, we must be strict to heed to YAHWEH’S WORD. YAHWEH will continue to be for us if we pay attention to “Shema” i.e. OBEY YAHWEH’S VOICE AND LOVE HIM as contained in Deuteronomy 6:5-6. It was the instruction Moses left with ISRAEL – to obey the Voice of Yahweh…and keep His Covenant Commandments always (Exodus 19:5-6).  It was also the instruction Joshua gave ISRAEL who lived on the other side of River Jordan, and later to all Israel before he died (see Joshua 23:6-16).

“But take careful heed to DO THE COMMANDMENT AND THE LAW which Moses the servant of YAHWEH commanded you, to LOVE YAHWEH YOUR ELOHIM, to walk in all His ways, to KEEP HIS COMMANDMENTS, to hold fast to Him, and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul”  Joshua 22:5.

I can tell you with certainty that our faith is only in YAHSHUA alone. YAHWEH and YAHSHUA are SPIRITS found in the WORD – the Holy Bible which contains the ‘Flesh and the Blood of YAHSHUA’. Therefore we must always eat the WORD [i.e. YAHSHUA] every minute, every hour, every day, every week, every month, every year, by way of reading, meditating and doing them.  Eating and Drinking from the WORD MADE FLESH is the only way to keep faith with YAHSHUA our SAVIOUR, and YAHWEH our FATHER.  It’s the only way to run-away from Satan and his agents; it’s the only way to run-away from our common enemies (Yahweh knows how to handle them); it’s the only way to overcome this evil world and its sinful nature, and it’s the only way to wait for YAHSHUA AND TO KEEP WORKING FOR HIM UNTIL HE RETURNS TO TAKE US INTO HIS EVERLASTING KINGDOM.

We look forward to returning to the LAND OF ISRAEL, therefore, no one should distract us; by the grace and power of YAHWEH, no lack, no poverty, nobody will stop us, and these should be our prayers – so that the GRACE of YAHSHUA will continue to abound to us as we search to discover and gather with all our beloved ‘lost’ ISRAELITES across the nations of the world.  No one of us follows Churchianity or denominations.  That’s a Gentile ideology – form of man’s religion.  Christianity is a self-centred man found a religion which emasculate [weaken] people for their own selfish enrichment. Churchianity is worldly religious institution designs to appease mankind that ‘God’ is with them while they reap them off.  We are not playing Churchianity, neither are we playing religion. Churchianity is run on the basis of covetousness, greed, and violence.  People of ISRAEL DO NOT PROFESS RELIGION, NEITHER DO WE SEEK TO ESTABLISH ‘CHURCH’ THAT IS BASED ON SELFISHNESS.   We are brothers; we are beloved Children of Yahweh. Our Master and Saviour is YAHSHUA.  Our FATHER is YAHWEH.  We are all BROTHERS [Matt. 23:8,10]. We are fearless Israelites.  We should always be bold.  Therefore be strong. Pray daily for the Holy Spirit empowerment because greater work is coming which require YAHWEH’S POWER. The power is given only by our FATHER in Heaven.  The Power is already with us but through obedience, we appropriate the Holy Spirit, even the fruit of the Spirit for greater works [Gal. 5:22-23]. Brethren, we shall make it.  Keep on OBEYING our Father’s Word and continue to love Him because He assures us that He’ll be with us to the close of the age!  Yahshua is coming quick.  He’s returning because of us.  He will no longer delay.


Shalom!  And May Yahweh bless and be with us all!  Amen!

22nd April 2020

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